Superflaw - "A Competition Exists"

Superflaw - “A Competition Exists”

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After serenading us with the lo-fi dreaminess of Blanky, Anthony Cunard teams up with co-conspirators Edward Madill and Daniel Ryan to deliver an exciting new ensemble, Superflaw. Their debut single “Competition Exists” hits like a much-needed dash of summer in the cold, dead of winter. Searing, mournful indie guitar riffs interweave with Anthony’s passionate vocals to paint a canvas of simpler times. The laidback bass and drums slow dance under the moonlight as melodies guide us through a journey of introspection and acknowledgment of what it is to be human. While the grit of despair lingers under the fuzzy haze, we are concurrently left with that feeling that everything is going to be alright. The days they melt together, but lucky for us, this track is captured in time on Superflaw’s upcoming debut album, “Fictitious.” Manor Records will be releasing it both in digital form and - in a historic first for the label - a limited vinyl issue. In an age of longing for our lost concert experiences, we may still rejoice in the magical joy of physical media and the invisible, pulsating network of streaming capabilities. Huzzah!


Review by ::

Evan Herd

Manor Blog Contributor

Manor Records gives 100% of the article author rights to Evan Herd