Blue False Indigo - "The Cold Reminds Me" / "Side by Side"


photo by Quinn Hernandez

Kansas City’s spooky folk trio Blue False Indigo has again graced us with soft, gorgeous music to cuddle and sway to. Following their 2018 album More Light and their 2019 EP Around the Fire, their double-single “The Cold Reminds Me” and “Side by Side,” co-released with The Wires—an alternative string duo of KC’s Sascha Groschang and Laurel Morgan Parks—comes just in time for this week’s record-breaking cold temperatures in the midwest. Blue False Indigo always delivers exquisite singing with gloriously minimalist Americana instrumentation, and their newest release upholds their delightfully unique reputation. 

“The Cold Reminds Me” is an icy, overwhelming realization of mortality in freezing months, as they sing, “Feeling some impending doom.” I love the lyrical imagery of not having a chance to say goodbye to sunlight, adjusting to shortened days, and not having “turned the heat on yet.” The strings’ soaring countermelodies are a subtle, yet stunning musical backdrop to their powerful vocal blend and winter narrative. “She’s crying but it feels like snow” is my favorite line, wow.

In “Side by Side,” we’ve come inside from the cold, and now we can relax in the warmth of a close overnight sweetie, admitting “We won’t be alone tonight.” This tune is loaded with stellar hooks. They sing, “Let me warm your face with mine pressed up against you,” and “You can choose the record that we’ll play / then soon we’ll find ourselves entangled and slow dancing.” Beautiful melodies, tight harmonies, and sick cello and violin accompaniment: what more could we ask for to comfort us during this deeply dreary pandemic winter?

Follow Blue False Indigo on Facebook, Instagram, and listen to their music on their Website and Spotify



Review by ::

Alison Hawkins

Manor Staff Writer & True Lions Founder.

Manor Records gives 100% of the article author rights to Alison Hawkins.