Jacob E.chord - "Meta 4/4" Music Video


After a disorienting series of images (looking slightly warped and highly saturated) get us feeling a little off-kilter, Jacob E.chord shuts off the television producing these images. What follows is a scavenger hunt of sorts with the artist venturing out into the world, finding clue after clue, all while glimmering guitar and spacey keys shift the tempo with the action. Convenience stores, scrap yards, and artificial sunsets fly at us quick as the breakneck percussion. As the music gets wilder so does the video, leading to a wailing of the vocals and a truck ride into oblivion. "Meta 4/4" experiments with color and light, uniquely blending in-camera tricks with kookier effects edited on. It's a trippy visual to match a hypnotizing tune.



Review by ::

Nathan Cardiff

Manor Blog Contributor

Manor Records gives 100% of the article author rights to Nathan Cardiff.